Discussing Sex with your Teenage Son

Don’t be afraid to talk about sex with your kids, even if it’s uncomfortable. Even if your adolescent is already aware of sex, you should initiate a discussion about it. You should talk to your adolescent son about how the media presents sex in distorted and harmful ways. “The discussion” isn’t as straightforward as it once was when the focus was mostly on mechanics; today you must face mindsets.

To begin, determine how much your adolescent understands sex. He’ll probably know more than you want to know, but be ready to listen without passing judgement. You must be cool and composed for your kid to feel comfortable discussing sex with you. Allow him to speak first. Then inquire about his perceptions of sex in the media, as well as the attitudes he has observed and his reactions to it. This will serve as a jumping-off place for your contribution to the discourse.

Sexual conquest is commonly seen as a status symbol among adolescent guys and even young adults. This is something they’ve heard from their friends and seen in the media. As a parent, you must explain to him that this is not the case and that he may be cool while remaining a virgin. Let him know that it’s normal for many adolescents do not feel ready for sex. Because many teenagers today have sex before they are ready, explain to your son what “ready” means.

Sexism and objectification of women are sadly common in today’s culture, and something that youngsters are exposed to through the media. Consider how you’d like your kid to treat his girlfriends and boyfriends. Let him know that women are not trophies and that he must respect all women, including present and prospective relationships. Putting pressure on a woman for sex or regarding her as an object to be used for his pleasure is not respectful. Teach him that he must back off if his spouse is unsure about any element of their physical relationship. This is the time to make sure your son understands what rape means. Make it clear to him that no is never acceptable.

Accept that your son will very certainly have sex before you believe he’s ready or wants him to. As a result, you must ensure that he is prepared. Make it clear to him that he should always use a condom. Inform him about the alternative kinds of contraception available and their success rates. Finally, make sure he understands sexually transmitted illnesses and infections, including how he may acquire them, what they look like, and when he should be checked. Safe sex is the adult, responsible way to have it; if he isn’t ready for it, he isn’t ready for sex.

Sex is something that should be reserved for a committed, loving relationship. This is the first thing your adolescent son should know, but the discussion must continue. He must understand that you want him to treat his partners with respect and that sexual activity is not a status symbol. If he hasn’t had sex yet or prefers to wait, he is not a loser. But if he isn’t going to wait until he is an adult, he has to understand how to be safe and why measures are necessary. Since this is one of the most crucial tasks you’ll have with your adolescent kid, be honest during the chat.

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