Lab Fume Hood Suppliers Malaysia
Lab Fume Hood Suppliers Malaysia

Did you know that there are a lot of lab fume hood suppliers Malaysia, but do all of us know what lab fume hood is and the function of this fume hood? And do you know where is the lab fume hood suppliers Malaysia?
A fume hood is one of the most important things in the laboratory which will prevent us from being exposed to any chemical that might harm us. They also will capture and remove any gasses, vapor, and fumes that might harm us when we breathe.
There is few type of fume hood that we had in Malaysia
- Bench-Top Fume Hood
BenchTop or tabletop Fume Hood is a hood that generally will be placed at the bench top or above cabinet storage. They also frequently use a variety of chemicals from the small to moderate quantities of low to high toxic material.
They also act like a barrier to a lab personal also the lab. They also provide effective containment and exhaust gasses and other things that have low particle mass. We also can customize the size of the Fume hood and also have 3 different sash which is vertical, horizontal and combination.
- Floor-mounted Fume Hood
This fume hood is always incorrectly called a “walk-in” fume hood because of how the design looks like a walk in closet. This fume hood protects us from the vapor and fumes from an oversize apparatus.
This fume hood also sits directly to the floor. This fume hood also had a bigger size than the benchtop fume hood that was 8 feet wide. While this fume hood can make two times bigger than benchtop fume hood size.
- Double-faced Fume Hood
Double face or double sided fume hood is a fume hood that was designed to have a 360 degree view. This fume hood also had two sides of the entrance and had aerodynamic design that made it easier to demonstrate what they were going to do.
This type of fume hood can come as a benchtop typical fume hood or a wall installation. Not only that they also can be made as a portable fume hood.
- Portable fume hood
Portable Fume hood or more frequently known as ductless fume hood are the hoods that are moveable enclosures with a sash that filter hazardous vapor, fume and also particles from the lab.
This fume hood also can be moved easily and does not need any installation like other fume hoods. Not only that, their price is also more cheaper than another fume hood.
Sash is a front window or a front door of a fume hood. This window provides the containment and protection from hazardous material that can harm us. They’re three type of sash.
- Vertical – The most common sash that we use and provide the most access to the workstation because the mirror slides up and down.
- Horizontal – This sash slides from left to the right. They also allow the user to position themselves behind the sash while enabling access through the side.
- Combination – This sash are the combination between the horizontal sash and vertical sash, which is they use horizontal sash panel and they also use vertical rising panel had both advantages of vertical and horizontal sash.